Welcome to Recap AMA IgniteCrypto & HighStreet #AMASeries
On 23 September 2021 UTC+7 ~ 22 Setpember PST, Ignite Crypto and HighStreet got together to host an Ask me Anything (AMA) chat with the community. The following is a summary of the content of the entire AMA
Admin: Lady and gentlemen, let’s welcome Mr.Travis Wu @TTar248 — Cofounder and CEO Highstreet.
Before starting today’s AMA, Do you have any greetings to the IgniteCrypto community?
Travis: Super excited to be here with everyone, would like to have everyone know our public sale anouncement is coming tomorrow. The way to participate and get whitelisting ahead of time is to participate in our NFT event with our Fomo ducks at https://highstreet.market/ffds!
Admin: The content of the AMA session will somewhat give all our users more in-depth information about Highstreet. So come join us 😉
Let’s Move Part 1: Introduction Highstreet and Guests. Some general questions about the Highstreet .
Admin: Question 1. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and Highstreet ? why should I be interested?
Travis : Hey everyone, Travis here from Highstreet, Ive been in the space since 2015 and am super excited to be sharing our game with you.
The definition of what Highstreet is can differ depending on your perspective, as a gamer, it’s an open world MMORPG where there are monsters to fight and quests to complete. Then, as a brand, Highstreet is shopify for the metaverse where you can easily set up shop and start interacting with players with your products integrated as in game objects.
Admin: Question 2: Why is Highstreet different from the rest?
Travis : Highstreet emphasizes on building a hybrid marketplace where we rewrite the rules of how a market should work based on hottest goods. We’ve built on foundation on the aspects of; no middleman, no counterfeit goods, no underpricing of goods.
1. Brands can reach GenZ and Crypto natives easily through us
2. Tokenized NFTs divide real products in 2 portions, digital in game objects and the physical product itself, this first portion is pure profit for brands.
3. Built in gaze tracking system to study behavior giving brands live consumer behaviour data with regards to product interactions.
4. Players can finally embody their game avatars in real life, if you like what your character’s wearing and using, you redeem it in real life.
5. Without building cost constraints brand can deliver the best customer experience in VR elevating retail to a whole new level.
Admin: I see that recently metaverse game platforms are receiving great attention from many people, so is this an advantage of Highstreet in the near future?
Travis: Absolutely haha a lot of people are looking at NFTs, metaverse, and gamefi, but for us it’s really building an authentic experience as pure as our mascot here
Admin: Question 3. What was the reason and inspiration that made you build Highstreet? Currently, who are Highstreet’s partners and investors, and what will your next marketing plan be?
Reminder! Vouchers won in vaults represents tokens in the future ;)
I think one of the more interesting things about what we’re doing is that, it wasn’t purely coming from the hype of this industry itself. We’ve been following the retail tech space for a long time and have been looking at what the future of retail is since 2015. One of our very first angel investors was the late Tony Hsieh from Zappos and he had this pop up store in 2014 where users can try on sneakers virtually using an early prototype version of augmented reality. That tiny experience was so inspirational that it helped us visualize an entire future where VR/AR technology is so ingrained in society that the future of retail is purely entertainment. Highstreet has a great list of investors that include traditional players like HTC, Palmdrive, and Cherubic Ventures, but also crypto natives like Mechanism, Huobi, and NGC. We have a strong background working with brands from L’Oreal to Madison Square Garden, and the future for us is of course to launch our Metaverse. We’re targeting around Halloween right now to invite everybody to our metaverse space to do an AMA, the way to participate is to have one of our Fomo Ducks (https://highstreet.market/ffds). This is also the same way you would get yourself whitelisted for our up and coming public sale 🙂
Admin: Question 4: How does item with physical compenent work in game? If I buy it in game, how does the shipping work?
These types of products are tokenized as NFTs and are on the Solana system. When users purchase these products, they are sold in fractions. The first fraction is usually relatively cheap and only contains the digital item that can serve other in-game functions. If users want to acquire the physical component, they purchase the other fraction, and the redemption process will begin. The shipment will be shipped out from the Brand directly.
Admin: So Can I buy land in the Highstreet world?
Travis: haha not exactly, but you can buy real estate properties like condos, villas, castles and more!
Admin: Question 5: Can you tell us about $HIGH? How can I earn $HIGH?
I think this picture prob best sumarizes everything. We have a two tokens system that will be implemented. Street Cred is an inflationary in game currency that will be released at a later date. HIGH is about to launch and has a fixed 100M supply. This will be for governnance as well as for specialty items like real estate in game.
Admin: oh, Street Cred and HIGH Token — a two tokens system
Travis: Yes, we’re releasing High first to get people comfortable with its system first during the alpha before adding on Street when the game expands a bit
Admin: That’s the last question of part 1, we will move on to part 2 of AMA. Thank you for your detailed responses Travis. You have really helped us to learn and understand more about Highstreet !
There are still many questions ahead waiting for you, Travis
Part 2: Twitter on Questions
Admin: Now, let’s begin with Part 2 of the AMA. We have chosen 5 best questions from our users on Twitter. Our guest will answer all of them.
5 gifts will be for good and quality questions
Here, we will come to those 5 questions right away
Admin: Q1. What strategy will you implement to bring non-crypto-natives into your ecosystem? How do you keep a balance between developing the technology and also improving the value of your token?
From Twitter: @Him24443858Him
Travis: This is a super good question, we are actually targeting traditional PC gamers to begin with, these are players who play World of Warcraft, Witcher 3, Subnautica, or Apex Legends. With our background the entire game is built with Native VR support so definitely focused on onboarding our VR purist brethrens as well. At the same time we’re onboarding a ton of real world brands which brings intrinsic value to the tokens used to purchase these products. Finally next year we will be releasing our Mobile extensions where users on their phones can also access our metaverse. It’ll be a slightly different way than what PC users would be experiencing, but nonetheless they will be contributing to the growth of the metaverse and driving the demand for the token up as well.
Admin: Q2. According to your website that as we already live our life half online and half in real life. Can you tell us how can we experience this life half online and half in real life of Highstreet? Which MMORPG inspired you to create High street?
From Twitter: @imwiiw27
Travis: Here’s some previews of monsters ahead of our Halloween launch
Sure, so products sold on Highstreet will have a digital component worn or used by your avatar in game, but all of them also have a physical counterpart that you can redeem by either burning your erc20 token (if limited edition market place) or purchasing the physical fraction of the product NFT(if regular in game items). We are directly integrated with existing e-commerce infrastructure, so your products will be shipped to you directly from brand. I’d say we are very very similar to what you can say the 3D version of maplestory, or maybe a fantasy of One Piece in a game
Admin: Q3. Can you list the outstanding features of “Highstreet’ that you think are the strengths that will help “Highstreet’ succeed? In the future, will the “Highstreet’ token be developed with more utilities?
From Twitter: @KiyokoSumaru
Travis: TO sum up~
1. MMORPG with vast open world exploration. I don’t think there has been a high fidelity game launch in the crypto space yet, so we’ll probably be first to market.
2. merging digital and virtual worlds together with our phygital products.
3. High tokens can be used to purchase real estate in game as well as other specialty items or in-game entertainment.
Admin: Q4. Do you have any plans to attract non-crypto investors to your project Because it is the success of a project to get more investors who are still not in the crypto world. What are the plans to increase awareness around your in non-crypto space?
From Twitter: @MsNazmul4
Travis: We already have a ton as mentioned above! A lot of our VCs and Investors actually come from the traditional venture world as well as traditional brand and gaming world. For us bringing on traditional industries into our game is the best way to help bring more and more powerful players into the metaverse and crypto.
Admin: Q5. Many thoughts had been running through my mind on how I can contribute my quota to the growth and success of of your project. I am very much interested in participating in your ambassadorial program, Do you have any one I can sign up for and what are the requirements ?
From Twitter: @AkihisaMori45
Travis: This is a super good question too haha we would love the help. Here’s what the team looks for in terms of qualification :
Gamers welcome!=)
Active in our communities!
Experience in graphic/memes design and or writing
Excellent grasp in English
Several years of social experience is preferred
Experience in writing for other languages is welcome
Can sign up with jobs@highstreet.market
Part 3: Live Question
Question 1 : Can you give some privileges of having a FOMO DUCK? What are the advantages of having a duck in Highstreet ecosystem?
Answer 1: There are a ton of milestones on our fomo duck website but here are a few !
1) Each duck has 3 chances to enter our moon vault starting on the 27th, this means eaach duck has 3 chances to get vouchers worth up to 500 HIGH ahead of public sales. This means lucky winners can get up to 1500 HIGH before public sale
2) Owning ducks are a way to get whitelisted for the actual Public Sale
3) Owning Ducks also allow you to get priorty access into our Testing and Alpha which means you’ll be able to influence and aid in the creation of Highstreet World
Question 2: How safe is your platform to use? Have you done a smart contract audit?? And what security measures are adopted from bugs and smart contract hacks? And what are our advantages as holders? And what is your strategy for dealing with supply deflection?
Answer 2: We have been audited and certified by Certik. https://www.certik.org/projects/highstreet
Question 3: Do you have any Coin Burn / BuyBack systems or any Token Burn plans to increase the value of Token & attract Investors to invest?
Answer 3 :. Yes as mentioned in the diagram above during section 2, tokens are consumed and burned continuously, and continuous buy backs of tokens will be made using revenue from our brand partners.
Question 4: The user community is what gives projects value and life. What are Your plans to attract the community? What kind of help does he expect from the community?
Answer 4: We would love to build a strong and healthy gaming community that really understands how crypto is revolutionaizing the industry. Gamefi is the new freemium and we’d love users to come not only make money with us but also help us build a better metaverse economy
Question 5: Is your project a local project or a global project? Can anyone use your services from anywhere in the world? Is there any restrictions of using your service?
Answer 5: This is absolutley a global project, however we do have shipping concerns in some areas. Since we are a phygital market, we do need to be able to ship real physical prodcuts to real users. Right now we can cover about 26 countries around the world, but are looking for partners to cover even more !
📍Don’t forget to follow Highstreet on their official channels for the latest news and promotions you don’t want to miss out!
Medium: https://medium.com/highstreet-market
Twitter: https://twitter.com/highstreetworld
Telegram: https://t.me/highstreetworld
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/439FhsrMu2
Media contact for brands: merchants@highstreet.market
General inquiries: info@highstreet.market
About IgniteCrypto: IgniteCrypto is a community formed by a group of members who are passionate about and believe in the future growth of cryptocurrencies from Vietnam. With the aim of creating an exchange community between investors and those interested in the development of cryptocurrencies
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